Author = Mostafa Eslami
Investigating of highly dispersive solitons for concatenation model with power law nonlinearity using improved modified extended tanh-function method

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 November 2024


Eman Salah; Islam Samir; Emad M. Abo El-Dahab; Hamdy M. Ahmed; Medhat Ammar; Mostafa Eslami

Extended hyperbolic function method for the model having cubic-quintic-septimal nonlinearity in weak nonlocal media

Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2025, Pages 271-281


Hamood Ur Rehman; Ifrah Iqbal; Mostafa Eslami; Mohammad Mirzazadeh; Sajjad A. Jedi Abduridha; Mir Sajjad Hashemi

Solitary waves with two new nonlocal boussinesq types equations using a couple of integration schemes

Volume 12, Issue 4, October 2024, Pages 749-762


Islam Samir; Ahmed H. Arnous; Ahmed M. Elsherbeny; Mohammad Mirzazadeh; Mir Sajjad Hashemi; Mostafa Eslami

New extended direct algebraic method for the Tzitzica type evolution equations arising in nonlinear optics

Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 28-53


Seyed Mehdi Mirhosseini-Alizamini; Hadi Rezazadeh; Mostafa Eslami; Mohammad Mirzazadeh; Alpert Korkmaz

The B"{a}cklund transformation method of Riccati equation to coupled Higgs field and Hamiltonian amplitude equations

Volume 2, Issue 4, October 2014, Pages 216-226

Ahmad Hasan Arnous; Mohammad Mirzazadeh; Mostafa Eslami

Solitary Wave solutions to the (3+1)-dimensional Jimbo Miwa equation

Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2014, Pages 115-122

Mostafa Eslami