Keywords = Finite difference
A Finite Difference Approach to Solve the Nonlinear Model of Electro-Osmotic Flow in Nano-Channels

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 September 2024


Nasser Aghazadeh; Kianoosh Rabbani; Seyyed Hemmatollah Taheri Otaghsara; Mohsen Rabbani

Numerical studies of non-local hyperbolic partial differential equations using collocation methods

Volume 6, Issue 3, July 2018, Pages 326-338

khalid Karam Ali; Kamal Raslan Raslan; Adel Rashad Hadhoud

Optimization with the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations as constraints

Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2015, Pages 87-98

Mitra Vizheh; Syaed Hodjatollah Momeni-Masuleh; Alaeddin Malek