The free vibrations of a rod are governed by a differential equation of the form $(a(x)y^\prime)^\prime+\lambda a(x)y(x)=0$, where $a(x)$ is the cross sectional area and $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue parameter. Using the finite element method (FEM) we transform this equation to a generalized matrix eigenvalue problem of the form $(K-\Lambda M)u=0$ and, for given $a(x)$, we correct the eigenvalues $\Lambda$ of the matrix pair $(K,M)$ to approximate the eigenvalues of the rod equation. The results show that with step size $h$ the correction technique reduces the error from $O(h^2i^4)$ to $O(h^2i^2)$ for the $i$-th eigenvalue. We then solve the inverse spectral problem by imposing numerical algorithms that approximate the unknown coefficient $a(x)$ from the given spectral data. The cross section is obtained by solving a nonlinear system using Newton's method along with a regularization technique. Finally, we give numerical examples to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
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Mirzaei, H. , Ghanbari, K. , Abbasnavaz, V. and Mingarelli, A. (2024). Direct and inverse problems of ROD equation using finite element method and a correction technique. Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 12(4), 651-668. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2024.57676.2417
Mirzaei, H. , , Ghanbari, K. , , Abbasnavaz, V. , and Mingarelli, A. . "Direct and inverse problems of ROD equation using finite element method and a correction technique", Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 12, 4, 2024, 651-668. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2024.57676.2417
Mirzaei, H., Ghanbari, K., Abbasnavaz, V., Mingarelli, A. (2024). 'Direct and inverse problems of ROD equation using finite element method and a correction technique', Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 12(4), pp. 651-668. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2024.57676.2417
H. Mirzaei , K. Ghanbari , V. Abbasnavaz and A. Mingarelli, "Direct and inverse problems of ROD equation using finite element method and a correction technique," Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 12 4 (2024): 651-668, doi: 10.22034/cmde.2024.57676.2417
Mirzaei, H., Ghanbari, K., Abbasnavaz, V., Mingarelli, A. Direct and inverse problems of ROD equation using finite element method and a correction technique. Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 2024; 12(4): 651-668. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2024.57676.2417