In the current paper, for the economic growth model, an efficient numerical approach on arbitrary collocation points is described according to Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) interpolation to approximate the solutions of optimal control problems. The proposed method is based on parametrizing the solutions with any arbitrary global RBF and transforming the optimal control problem into a constrained optimization problem using arbitrary collocation points. The superiority of the method is its flexibility to select between different RBF functions for the interpolation and also parametrization an extensive range of arbitrary nodes. The Lagrange multipliers method is employed to convert the constrained optimization problem into a system of algebraic equations. Numerical results approve the accuracy and performance of the presented method for solving optimal control problems in the economic growth model.
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Golbabai, A. , Safaei, N. and Molavi-Arabshahi, M. (2022). Numerical solution of optimal control problem for economic growth model using RBF collocation method. Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 10(2), 327-337. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2021.40223.1757
Golbabai, A. , , Safaei, N. , and Molavi-Arabshahi, M. . "Numerical solution of optimal control problem for economic growth model using RBF collocation method", Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 10, 2, 2022, 327-337. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2021.40223.1757
Golbabai, A., Safaei, N., Molavi-Arabshahi, M. (2022). 'Numerical solution of optimal control problem for economic growth model using RBF collocation method', Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 10(2), pp. 327-337. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2021.40223.1757
A. Golbabai , N. Safaei and M. Molavi-Arabshahi, "Numerical solution of optimal control problem for economic growth model using RBF collocation method," Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 10 2 (2022): 327-337, doi: 10.22034/cmde.2021.40223.1757
Golbabai, A., Safaei, N., Molavi-Arabshahi, M. Numerical solution of optimal control problem for economic growth model using RBF collocation method. Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 2022; 10(2): 327-337. doi: 10.22034/cmde.2021.40223.1757