Numerical solution of nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra integral equations via Bell polynomials

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, Malayer University, P. O. Box 65719-95863, Malayer, Iran


In this paper, we propose and analyze an efficient matrix method based on Bell polynomials for numerically solving nonlinear Fredholm- Volterra integral equations. For this aim, first we calculate operational matrix of integration and product based on Bell polynomials. By using these matrices, nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra integral equations reduce to the system of nonlinear algebraic equations which can be solved by an appropriate numerical method such as Newton’s method. Also, we show that the proposed method is convergent. Some examples are provided to illustrate the applicability, efficiency and accuracy of the suggested scheme. Comparison of the proposed method with other previous methods shows that this method is very accurate.


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